Friday, April 2, 2010

Introduction to Urban Beekeeping

Welcome to our blog about urban beekeeping. We thought that it would be fun to share our experiences from the very beginning about getting set up and maintaining bee hives in an urban setting. We are both novices, but have some experience working with bees. We hope that this blog is informative and interesting, and perhaps inspire people to start their own hives.

This first picture is showing my thought process about where to put the hives. We feel that our yard is an excellent place to raise bees as there are numerous fruit trees in our yard, and surrounding yards, our southern property line is Dixon Creek, which is loaded with Himalayan Blackberries, and there are numerous other flowering plants around. We have a fairly large back yard that is divided up into three areas; the garden (to the left of the chickens in this photo), the chicken area, and the people area (behind the camera). We wanted a spot that was mostly away from us, so they don't bother us and we don't bother them. We also needed an area that got sun, as bees are much more active and productive when the hives are warmed by the sun. So, this pretty much left the chicken area, where the arrow is pointing. Chickens are smarter than you'd think, so we're thinking that everyone will get along. So, the hives will have their backs against the fence, facing into the chicken area, south.

We are starting with two hives for many reasons. First is cost. The second reason is we just don't know how well they'll do. Third is space and available food. Lots of things can go wrong with raising bees, which I'll go into later.
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